Shuttle-Based Storage and Retrieval Systems Designs from Multi-Objective Perspectives: Total Investment Cost, Throughput Rate and Sustainability
This paper studies performance comparison of two shuttle-based storage and retrieval system (SBS/RS) configurations developed on flexible or non-flexible travel policies of shuttles in the system. In the non-flexible SBS/RS, a shuttle is dedicated to a tier so that it cannot travel out of its dedicated aisle and tier. A lifting mechanism is installed in each aisle to provide vertical travel for loads. In flexible SBS/RS, shuttles can travel between tiers by a separate lifting mechanism installed on the other edge point of each aisle. The advantage of that flexible design is that there might be decreased number of shuttles settling in the system compared to the non-flexible design. We simulate the two system configurations and conduct an experimental design for the comparison purpose. Based on the three-performance metrics: total investment cost, throughput rate and energy consumption per transaction, the results show that mainly the flexible system provides better results which might be considered as future system investment for SBS/RS.

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