Now showing items 341-360 of 1451

    • Quality layers in scalable multi-view video coding 

      Ozbek, N.; Tekalp, A.M. (Proceedings - 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2009, 2009)
      The Quality Layers concept is proposed and adopted in the JSVM in order to ensure an optimal adaptation in a rate-distortion sense [1]. In this paper it is extended to multi-view case for scalable coding of multi-view ...
    • A comparison of data mining techniques for credit scoring in banking: A managerial perspective 

      Ince, H.; Aktan, B. (Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2009)
      Credit scoring is a very important task for lenders to evaluate the loan applications they receive from consumers as well as for insurance companies, which use scoring systems today to evaluate new policyholders and the ...
    • Spider vs. Prolog: Computation control 

      Golemanova, E.; Kratchanov, K.; Golemanov, T. (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2009)
      This is the second in a series of two reports presenting a comparison between the Control Network Programming language Spider and the logic programming language Prolog. Here, the focus is on juxtaposing the tools for ...
    • A socio-economic perspective on women entrepreneurs: Evidence from Turkey 

      Ince Yenilmez, M. (Ikonomicheski Izsledvania, 2009)
      Within the context of globalization where women's labour force participation and employment rates have grown all over the world where as Turkey differs from most countries with no increase in the growth women's labor force ...
    • A novel square root domain lossless integrator and its application to KHN biquad filter design 

      Olmez, S.; Cam, U. (ELECO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2009)
      In this paper, a novel square root domain lossless integrator and its application to KHN (Kerwin-HuelsmanNewcomb) biquad are proposed. The presented lossless integrator based on quadratic characteristics of MOS transistor ...
    • Necessary optimality conditions for switching control problems 

      Maharramov, S.F. (Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2009)
      In this paper we consider smooth and nonsmooth switching control problems. By applying Taylor incremental formula for the cost functional, first we obtain the necessary optimality condition for the smooth case. Then by ...
    • Spider vs. Prolog: Simulating prolog in spider 

      Golemanov, T.; Kratchanov, K.; Golemanova, E. (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2009)
      Control Network Programming is a programming paradigm that integrates ideas from imperative programming, declarative programming, rule-based systems, nondeterministic programming and graphical programming. Its computation ...
    • An ensemble of discrete differential evolution algorithms for solving the generalized traveling salesman problem 

      Tasgetiren, M.F.; Suganthan, P.N.; Pan, Q.K. (Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010)
      In this paper, an ensemble of discrete differential evolution algorithms with parallel populations is presented. In a single populated discrete differential evolution (DDE) algorithm, the destruction and construction (DC) ...
    • A novel square-root domain realization of first order all-pass filter 

      Olmez, S.; Cam, U. (Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2010)
      In this paper, a new square-root domain, first order, all-pass filter based on the MOSFET square law is presented. The proposed filter is designed by using nonlinear mapping on the state variables of a state space description ...
    • A combined technology for wildfire detection using HS/RF 

      Hanssen, G.; Sahin, Y.G. (5th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2009, 2009)
      This paper addresses an effective early detection system of wildfires using high resolution images from low-light sensitive cameras linked to an innovative HS/RF (High Speed/Radio Frequency) communications grid. Using data ...
    • Time-varying volatility modelling of baltic stock markets [Baltijos vertybinių popierių rinkų nepastovumo modeliavimas] 

      Aktan, B.; Korsakiene, R.; Smaliukiene, R. (Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2010)
      As time-varying volatility has found applications in roughly all time series modelling in economics, it largely draws attention in the areas of financial markets. This study also examines the characteristics of conditional ...
    • Minimizing the total flow time in a flow shop with blocking by using hybridm harmony search algorithms 

      Wang, L.; Pan, Q.K.; Tasgetiren, M.F. (Expert Systems with Applications, 2010)
      In this paper, three hybrid harmony search (HS) algorithms, namely, hybrid harmony search (hHS) algorithm, hybrid globalbest harmony search (hgHS) algorithm and hybrid modified globalbest harmony search (hmgHS) algorithm, ...
    • A copula-based BRDF model 

      Ozturk, A.; Kurt, M.; Bilgili, A. (Computer Graphics Forum, 2010)
      In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for modeling surface reflection. We focus on using a family of probability distributions called Archimedean copulas as BRDF models. The Archimedean representation has an attractive ...
    • Pancreas protective effect of button mushroom Agaricus bisporus (J.E. Lange) imbach (Agaricomycetidae) extract on rats with streptozotocin-induced dia betes 

      Yamac, M.; Kanbak, G.; Zeytinoglu, M.; Senturk, H.; Bayramoglu, G.; Dokumacioglu, A.; Van Griensven, L. (International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 2010)
      In the present study we describe the effects of hot water extract of the culinary-medicinal button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, on the symptoms of streptozotocin-induced diabetes in Sprague Dawley rats. A. bisporus extract ...
    • Issues in User Generated Content process and a proposed model to solve them 

      Yildiz, M.; Ercan, T. (International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 2010)
      User-Generated Content (UGC) in cyberspace is an important aspect of knowledge management discipline. We observed that the technical management of UGC has a number of issues and is not undertaken efficiently in large ...
    • Algorithms with guarantee value for Bounded Knapsack Problems 

      Guler, A.; Nuriyeva, F. (24th Mini EURO Conference on Continuous Optimization and Information-Based Technologies in the Financial Sector, MEC EurOPT 2010, 2010)
      In this study, one-dimensional Knapsack Problems, which have many applications in economic area, have been studied; then greedy algorithms have been discussed for these problems. Guarantee values of the algorithms have ...
    • The maximum principle for some stochastic control problem of switching system 

      Agayeva, C.A.; Abushov, Q.U. (24th Mini EURO Conference on Continuous Optimization and Information-Based Technologies in the Financial Sector, MEC EurOPT 2010, 2010)
      In this paper we discuss stochastic optimization problem for controlled switching systems. The maximum principle as the necessary condition of optimality is proved for a stochastic dynamical systems that consist of several ...
    • The cross-entropy method for combinatorial optimization problems of seaport logistics terminal 

      Yildiz, T.; Yercan, F. (Transport, 2010)
      Studies on seaport operations emphasize the fact that the numbers of resources utilized at seaport terminals add a multitude of complexities to dynamic optimization problems. In such dynamic environments, there has been a ...
    • Some properties of the weak subdifferential 

      Maharramov, S.F.; Sengul, M.; Gurbuz, E. (24th Mini EURO Conference on Continuous Optimization and Information-Based Technologies in the Financial Sector, MEC EurOPT 2010, 2010)
      Some properties of the weak subdifferential is considered in this paper. By using definitioan and properties of the weak subdifferential which described in the papers [1, 2, 3], the author prove some theorem connectiong ...
    • Alternative measures of currency and asset substitution: The case of Turkey 

      Birkan, A.O. (Capital Without Borders: Challenges to Development, 2010)
      Like many developing countries that liberalized their capital account, Turkey has been at the mercy of short term capital inflows accompanied by a continuous real appreciation of the domestic currency since 1989. Open ...