Credit Risk Assesment For the Banking Sector of Northern Cyprus
In this research analysis, the subject of credit risk, which carries a lot of significance for the banking sector, has been examined for the banking sector of the Northern Cyprus. When examined retrospectively, it is observed that the credit risk had a determining effect on the banking crisis previously experienced in the country. Regarding the fundamental ratios, until the starting point of the crisis, though, there were steady increases in the credit risk of banking sector as a whole. However, following the crisis, it is observed that with the administrative, legal and financial measures taken, the risk dropped. Not only this situation has been determined with the credit risk ratios, but it has also been found out during the regulatory and supervisory stage of credits that no provision for loan losses had previously been allocated. However, the necessity for strengthening of banks, from the point of view of equity capital, which is seen as a safety valve, has been very apparent. Furthermore, necessary preparations of technological, administrative, know-how and qualified personnel should be made in accordance with Basel II framework.

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