Examining The Daylighting Performance Of Office Buildings On The Example Of The Rectorate Building In Izmir
The efficient use of energy resources has affect-ed all areas of life, as well as architecture. There are many ways to increase energy efficiency in build-ings. Supporting the efficient use of daylight in the design process, reducing the energy to be used for artificial illumination and reducing heating costs are among the applications that support energy efficien-cy. The issue of supporting daylighting by reducing artificial illumination draws attention, especially in office buildings, due to the high number of hours used during the day. Insufficient light and lack of visual comfort in offices used during the day increase the consumption of electrical energy. Within the scope of this study, a parametric study was conducted to optimize the daylighting performance of an office building. For this purpose, rectorate building of a university, which is used as an office building, was selected for the case study, and the daylight condition of this building was ex-amined. For increasing the daylighting performance of the building some revisions were proposed. Re-sults of this research are discussed with visuals and simulation values.

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