Relationship Between Employee Turnover and the Lacation of Hotels: The Case Of Kuşadasi and İzmir In Turkey
Turnover rates and reasons vary significantly within and without organizations.
Employee turnover in the hospitality industry often averages as much as 200% to 300% per year. Statistically speaking, this means that the entire staff of a hospitality operation turns over two to three times per year (Woods,1997: 141). Hotel industry is a labor-intensive industry, and labor costs on goods and services produced are very high. It means that labor expenses have an important share on total expenses (almost 40%). In order to serve quality goods and services with a reasonable price, and compete with their competitors, hotel administrations must control the labor expenses and satisfy their employees, and decrease undesired employee turnover. This study discusses the importance of employee turnover for hotel administrations
and determines the reasons, differences and relationships between employee turnover and the location of hotels.

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