Spektrometre Ve Kolorimetre Uygulamaları İçin Ccd Array Verisi Okunması Ve İşlenmesi

Göster/ Aç
Kumova Metin, S.
Asyalı, M.H.
Dalbastı, T.
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterÖzet
Project is about real time frame capturing by CCD camera and processing of image data. Images taken from camera (which has 8 bit data) are transferred to MATLAB. Image data are preserved and processed in matrixes in MATLAB. Frame capture card is used for image capture in this process. MATLAB is preferred in this project because of its present
toolboxes for image processing and accordance of matrix form with images. Different programs are prepared for the project. These are the programs that have the same foundation but used for different processes. By default MATLAB takes images in RGB type from the camera. It is possible to change the type of the images in MATLAB by present
functions. Some transforms on image data are made to perform some arithmetic and geometric operations. Transform of 8bit data to 64bit floating numbers is an example for this process. In prepared programs color properties of images are analyzed. And results of these analyses are displayed. Graphical User Interface functions in MATLAB are used in the programs prepared for the project to make them simple for users. Also programs have error detection ability to warn users and help menu in the programs to inform them about the programs.

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