Two Sides of The Globalization Medal
As the world becomes more and more affected by globalization, its opponents increase
in number as well as its followers. This is due to the fact that there are not only winners in this
case but also losers. The new global order introduces new advantages and disadvantages to
economics, politics and social life. On one hand we have people living a prosperous life,
having the chance to use inexpensive and high quality products. On the other hand we have
the poor who have to face the difficulties caused by the irrational production and consumption
plans, contaminated environment and unsound health and education systems. Globalization
was first considered as a concept to bring the nations together, however according to some
people it has turned out to become an economic and social gap between the north and the
south. The multinational companies’ attitudes and flexible working styles have affected some
countries’ employment structures. By means of economic liberalization, it has enabled the
foreign investments settle down easily in any country. In this sense, globalization has been
disapproved by the nationalism followers and therefore has been excoriated.
In this paper, the approaches to the idea of globalization will be studied and the
positive and negative effects of global economy – global strategies, global competition – will
be examined.

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