Author’s Note :In the academic year of 2004-2005,types of “Essay Writing” has been included to Yasar University, School of Foreign Languages, English Prep School curriculum as to foster the student’s ability to express his/herself in a meaningful way. Thus, the students, being equipped with the knowledge of basic rules of rhetoric in the process of perfecting his/her acquisition of the targeted language, would gain a better access to English language. This article has been prepared to set an example for “Descriptive” essay writing which has always been the most popular and widely practiced one among the other essay types such as “Argumentative,” ”Narrative,” since it permits the extension of its scope from merely describing the personal impressions of a place, a person, or an object to the depiction of an information less known by the majority of people, but esteemed by the writer to be crucial in enlightening the reader about it. This exemplary essay on “Pragmatism” which aims to introduce a philosophical, but at the same time a practical thinking, is one of these “Descriptive” essays developed to illustrate the basic tenants and strategies with a guide line given below.

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