A comparative review for question answering frameworks on the linked data
Background: One of the state-of-the-art techniques for question answering frameworks is using linked data by converting the user input into SPARQL which is the query language for linked data. Objective: The main target is to emphasize the most fundamental issues while developing a question answering frameworks that accept input in natural language and converting it into SPARQL. Methods: The trend of applying linked data as a data source is gaining popularity among the re-searchers. In this study, question answering frameworks that combine both natural language processing techniques and linked data technologies are examined. Common principles of examined question answering frameworks recognize user intention, enriching natural language input and converting it to a SPARQL query. Results: 9 studies are selected for further examination to be compared by using selection criteria de-fined in the research methodology. Conclusion: Resulting outcomes are represented and compared in detail. In addition to the comparative review of systems, a general architecture of question answering frameworks on the linked data is drawn as an outcome of this study to provide a guideline for the researchers who are studying related research fields.

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