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dc.contributor.authorKhosravi, K.
dc.contributor.authorSafari, M.J.S.
dc.contributor.authorCooper, J.R.
dc.description.abstractScour depth prediction and its prevention is one of the most important issues in channel and waterway design. However the potential for advanced machine learning (ML) algorithms to provide models of scour depth has yet to be explored. This study provides the first quantification of the predictive power of a range of standalone and hybrid machine learning models. Using previously collected scour depth data from laboratory flume experiments, the performance of five types of recently developed standalone machine learning techniques - the Isotonic Regression (ISOR), Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO), Iterative Classifier Optimizer (ICO), Locally Weighted learning (LWL) and Least Median of Squares Regression (LMS) - are assessed, along with their hybrid versions with Dagging (DA) and Random Subspace (RS) algorithms. The main findings are five-fold. First, the DA-ICO model had the highest prediction power. Second, the hybrid models had a higher prediction power than standalone models. Third, all algorithms underestimated the maximum scour depth, except DA-ICO which predicted scour depth almost perfectly. Fourth, scour depth was most sensitive to densimetric particle Froude number followed by the non-dimensionalized contraction width, flow depth within the contraction, sediment geometric standard deviation, approach flow velocity and median grain size. Fifth, most of the algorithms performed best when all the input parameters were involved in the building of the model. An important exception was the best performing model that required only four input parameters: densimetric particle Froude number, non-dimensionalized contraction width, flow depth within the contraction and sediment geometric standard deviation. Overall the results revealed that hybrid machine learning algorithms provide more accurate predictions of scour depth than empirical equations and traditional ML-algorithms. In particular, the DA-ICO model not only created the most accurate predictions but also used the fewest easily and readily measured input parameters. Thus this type of model could be of real benefit to practicing engineers required to estimate maximum scour depth when designing in-channel structures.en_US
dc.subjectData miningen_US
dc.subjectIterative classifier optimizer algorithmsen_US
dc.subjectModel calibrationen_US
dc.subjectScour depth predictionen_US
dc.titleClear-water scour depth prediction in long channel contractions: Application of new hybrid machine learning algorithmsen_US
dc.relation.journalOcean Engineeringen_US
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Civil Engineeringen_US
dc.contributor.yasarauthor0000-0003-0559-5261: Mir Jafar Sadegh Safarien_US

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