Discharge coefficient for vertical sluice gate under submerged condition using contraction and energy loss coefficients

Göster/ Aç
Vaheddoost, B.
Safari, M.J.S.
Ilkhanipour Zeynali, R.
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterÖzet
A novel method is suggested for the determination of flow discharge in vertical sluice gates with considerably small bias. First, in order to derive an equation for the discharge coefficient, energy-momentum equations are implemented to define the physical realization of the phenomenon. Afterward, the discharge coefficient is presented in terms of contraction and energy loss coefficients. Subsequently, discharge coefficient, contraction, and energy loss coefficients were determined through an implicit optimization technique on the data. Data analysis illustrated that there is a meaningful power relationship between the contraction and energy loss coefficients. Thereafter, dimensional analysis is performed and an explicit best-fit regression equation is developed for defining the energy loss coefficient. The obtained equations for contraction and energy loss coefficients were then used in the computation of the discharge coefficient and determination of the flow discharge in the vertical sluice gate. The performance of the developed approach is validated against the selected benchmarks existing in the literature.
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