Güncel Gönderiler: ARAŞTIRMA ÇIKTILARI (WoS-Scopus-TR-Dizin-PubMed)
Toplam kayıt 3556, listelenen: 101-120
Indoor Environmental Quality Optimisation Model for Institutional Care Rooms of Elderly People
(2023)It is known that the elderly usually spend the last years of their lives indoors, with little contact with others and the outside environment. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) conditions related to lighting, air quality, ... -
Are return predictors of industrial equity indexes common across regions?
(2023)We investigate the potential cross-sectional relationship between several equity index attributes and future returns on country-industry indexes in the regions of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, MENA, ... -
Identifying the Drivers of Circular Food Packaging: A Comprehensive Review for the Current State of the Food Supply Chain to Be Sustainable and Circular
(2023)The resilience of food systems is jeopardized by using food packaging materials that have adverse impacts on the environment, food quality, food safety, shelf-life, food loss, and waste. Therefore, a transition into a more ... -
Incremental Testing in Software Product Lines-An Event Based Approach
(2023)One way of developing fast, effective, and high-quality software products is to reuse previously developed software components and products. In the case of a product family, the software product line (SPL) approach can ... -
Visual mental imagery and verbal working memory: evidence from consecutive interpreting
(2023)The link between the different types and components of mental imagery and efficiency in tasks involving memory storage and processing is not clear. The direction of the effect (facilitation/deterioration) usually depends ... -
Factors Relating to Decision Delay in the Emergency Department: Effects of Diagnostic Tests and Consultations
(2023)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors increasing waiting time (WT) and length of stay (LOS) in patients, which may cause delays in decision-making in the emergency departments (ED). Patients and ... -
The effect of collaborative activities on tertiary-level EFL students' learner autonomy in the Turkish context
(2023)This quasi-experimental study investigates the effects of collaborative activities on tertiary-level EFL students' learner autonomy in Turkey. To achieve this aim, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected with ... -
Turkey's asylum policies over the last century: continuity, change and contradictions
(2023)This article explores Turkey's century-long asylum policies by highlighting two enduring policy considerations. The first is Turkey's process of convergence with the norms and principles of the global refugee regime. The ... -
Scenario-Based Cellular Automata and Artificial Neural Networks in Urban Growth Modeling
(2023)The speed at which cities are growing and developing today cannot be disregarded. Human activities and natural causes are both contributors to urban growth. The relationship between these factors is complex and the complexity ... -
Control in healthcare interiors: the staff's perspective
(2023)As two of the most stressful professions, doctors and nurses work intensively in direct contact with patients. However, there has been little research into their perception of and satisfaction with healthcare interiors. ... -
Do asymmetric information and leverage affect investment decisions?
(2023)We investigate the impact of asymmetric information on the investment decisions of firms and analyze the effect of asymmetric information on the over-investment and under-investment of firms. Further, we examine the effect ... -
Production control problem for multi-product multi-resource make-to-stock systems
(2024)Most of today's production systems are working with parallel production resources to increase throughput rate due to the increase in high variability in demand and product mix. Effective control and performance evaluation ... -
High voltage response of graphene/4H-SiC UV photodetector with low level detection
(2023)A self-powered graphene/silicon carbide (G/4H-SiC) ultraviolet photodetector of a p-i-n like-structure with high voltage response has been fabricated to detect and measure low intensity ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Bilayer ... -
The role of port smartness in achieving sustainable development goals
(2023)This research aims to investigate the simultaneous effect of smartness and sustainability in port cities. For this purpose, this study introduces the Smart Port Sustainability Index (SPSI) as a key metric for measuring the ... -
Development of a New Robust Stable Walking Algorithm for a Humanoid Robot Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
(2023)The difficult task of creating reliable mobility for humanoid robots has been studied for decades. Even though several different walking strategies have been put forth and walking performance has substantially increased, ... -
The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Online Learning and Distance Education Processes: A Systematic Review of Empirical Studies
(2023)Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are used in many dimensions of our lives, including education. Motivated by the increasing use of AI technologies and the current state of the art, this study examines research on ... -
No SNARC Effect Among Left- to-Right Readers: Evidence From a Turkish Sample
(2023)The spatial-numerical association of response codes (SNARC) refers to the faster left-hand respons- es to smaller numbers and faster right-hand responses to larger numbers. Although easily repli- cable in Western cultures, ... -
Readings as a Helping Tools for Economics Education: Animal Farm
(2023)Economic events have many social and political causes and consequences. Unfortunately, it becomes meaningless to explain these events using only mathematical methods as time goes by. In addition, the teaching methods of ... -
A guide for a guide: using UIA publications for an SDG-focused studio
(2023)PurposeThis paper aims to present a data mapping analysis that can be used for aligning the studio course with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by teaching professionals.Design/methodology/approachThe ...