Browsing WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1369-1388 of 1624
A tale of two hashtags: An examination of moral content of pro- and anti-government tweets in Turkey
(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2021)During the campaign period of the 2018 Presidential Election in Turkey, there was a burst in the number of tweets posted by both pro- and anti-government Twitter users. Both sides started their own hashtags and reached a ... -
Techno-economic analysis of a stand-alone hybrid renewable energy system with hydrogen production and storage options
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2015)In the present study, a hybrid renewable energy system using hydrogen energy as energy storage option is conceptually modeled for the Bozcaada Island in Turkey. The system is investigated from the techno-economic point of ... -
Technological structure of trade and BOP-constrained growth in Turkey
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2017)This study investigates the empirical validity of the Multisectoral Thirwall's Law for Turkey over the last half century. Multisectoral Thirwall's Law facilitates the discussion of the effects of the sectoral composition ... -
Tensile strength and durability performances-based evaluation of 3D-printed and mold-cast fibrous geopolymer composites produced at various alkaline activator combinations
(2024)This study aimed to investigate the effects of the sodium silicate-to-sodium hydroxide ratio, SH molarity, and carbon fiber volume fraction on the tensile strength and durability properties of mold-cast and 3D-printed ... -
Test modules for flatness
(C E D A M SPA CASA EDITR DOTT ANTONIO MILANI, 2017)A right R-module M is said to be a test module for flatness (shortly: an f-test module) provided for each left R-module N, Tor(M,N) = 0 implies N is flat. f-test modules are a flat version of the Whitehead test modules for ... -
Testing the balance of payments constrained growth model in a VECM framework: the cases of Brazil, Korea, Mexico and Turkey
(Routledge, 2021)The aim of this study is to explore the empirical application of a previously unexplored procedure to systematically estimate and test the tenets of the balance of payments constrained growth (BOPCG) the model within a ... -
The Aga Khan Award for Architecture
(FABRIZIO SERRA EDITORE, 2016)This paper explores the ambiguities in Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus that result from the conceptualization of the picture as a middle term in between the translations between language and the world. The ... -
The analysis of critical success factors for successful kaizen implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic: a textile industry case study
(2024)PurposeThe primary objective of this research is to determine critical success factors (CSFs) that enable textile enterprises to effectively implement Kaizen, a Japanese concept of continuous development, particularly ... -
The Antecedents of Complex Destination Image
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015)The aim of this study was to propose a model of complex destination images by examining the interconnecting relationships between the destination image, perceived price, perceived quality, perceived value, and overall ... -
The Application of Fusion of Multiple Aspect Scattered Data to PMUSIC-Vector Based Electromagnetic Target Identification
(IEEE, 2011)This paper presents an electromagnetic target identification method in the resonance scattering region, which uses pseudospectrum multiple signal classification (PMUSIC) vectors as feature vectors. These feature vectors ... -
The Association between Meteorological Drought and the State of the Groundwater Level in Bursa, Turkey
(2023)This study addressed the intricate interplay between meteorological droughts and groundwater level fluctuations in the vicinity of Mount Uludag in Bursa, Turkey. To achieve this, an exhaustive analysis encompassing monthly ... -
The Center Coloring of a Graph
(TARU PUBLICATIONS, 2015)For a nontrivial connected graph G, center coloring is a kind of coloring that is to color the vertices of a graph G is such a way that if vertices have different distance from the center then they must receive different ... -
(INT JOURNAL CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS & ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES, 2016)Violence against women in Turkey is a tangible manifestation of the way that Turkish men have used force to exercise dominance over Turkish women. It is considered by many in society as natural, cultural and possibly ... -
The Comic Tragedy of Mere Men and Women: The Ambiguously Distracting Use of Laughter in The Castle of Otranto and Its Prefaces
(ASOC ESPANOLA ESTUDIOS ANGLO-NORTEAMERICANOS-AEDEAN, 2016)This paper attempts to analyze the curious effects of the comic scenes in The Castle of Otranto (1764) through a close reading of Walpole's famous prefaces to the novel. The comic scenes evoke an incongruous dramatic ... -
The Comparison of Grandparents', Parents', and Young People's Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men in Turkey
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2017)The present study aimed to compare attitudes toward lesbians and gay men across three generations in Turkey. Participants were 112 young people, 169 parents, and 125 grandparents. A total of 406 men and women were involved. ... -
The Comparison of JADE Based DOA Estimation Methods for Unknown Noncoherent Source Groups Containing Coherent Signals with Frequency Matching
(IEEE, 2014)In this study, all parameters (including the frequency of each signal group) of direction-of-arrival (DOA) problem are aimed to be extracted in the presence of unknown noncoherent source groups, which are consisting of ... -
The Comparison of LMS Based Algorithms for Active Cancellation of Motor Noise
(IEEE, 2013)In this paper, an active noise cancellation system to decrease the motor noise arriving to car driver is proposed. This system can be considered as a feedforward control system since it enables taking motor noise as the ... -
(VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECH UNIV, 2010)Studies on seaport operations emphasize the fact that the numbers of resources utilized at seaport terminals add a multitude of complexities to dynamic optimization problems. In such dynamic environments, there has been a ...