Browsing WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1205-1224 of 1624
Radar Target Classification for Resonance Scattering Region Targets with Min-Norm Signal Processing Method
(IEEE, 2016)This paper presents a radar target classification method using high-resolution Min-Norm (minimum norm) technique to discriminate targets in a selected target database. The method is convenient for the targets at the resonance ... -
Radar target classification method with high accuracy and decision speed performance using MUSIC spectrum vectors and PCA projection
(AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 2011)This paper introduces the performance of an electromagnetic target recognition method in resonance scattering region, which includes pseudo spectrum Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm and principal component ... -
Radiant Heating-cooling Performance Assessment in a Shopping Center in Sopron, Hungary
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2017)In this study, performance of a radiant heating-cooling via air source heat pump was investigated. This study is part of a project funded by European Union's FP7 for research, technological development and demonstration. ... -
Rainfall-runoff modeling through regression in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space algorithm
(ELSEVIER, 2020)In this study, Regression in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RRKHS) technique which is a non-linear regression approach formulated in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RRKHS) is applied for rainfall-runoff (R-R) ... -
Rainfall-Runoff Simulation in Ungauged Tributary Streams Using Drainage Area Ratio-Based Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline and Random Forest Hybrid Models
(2023)For various reasons, it is not always possible to obtain adequate and reliable long-term streamflow records in a river basin. It is known that streamflow records are even shorter when the stations located on tributary ... -
(IEEE, 2008)The Quality Layers concept is proposed and adopted in the JSVM in order to ensure an optimal adaptation in a rate-distortion sense [I]. In this paper it is extended to multiview case for scalable coding of stereo videos. ... -
(SCIBULCOM LTD, 2014)Sustainability can be defined as providing the best life conditions for living creatures in modern city environments for maintaining continuity in the natural environment by protecting the historical and the cultural ... -
(2023)This paper considers the underexplored potential of wrought iron balcony balustrades as material culture, providing significant clues about a design community of a certain time and society at large. Exploring the wrought ... -
Readings as a Helping Tools for Economics Education: Animal Farm
(2023)Economic events have many social and political causes and consequences. Unfortunately, it becomes meaningless to explain these events using only mathematical methods as time goes by. In addition, the teaching methods of ... -
Real Time Classification of Targets Using Waveforms in Resonance Scattering Region
(IEEE, 2015)The classification of similar shaped objects from scattered electromagnetic waves is a difficult problem, as it heavily depends on the aspect angle. The reduction of the adverse effects of the aspect angle is possible by ... -
Real Time Classification of Targets Using Waveforms in Resonance Scattering Region
(IEEE, 2015)The classification of similar shaped objects from scattered electromagnetic waves is a difficult problem, as it heavily depends on the aspect angle. The reduction of the adverse effects of the aspect angle is possible by ... -
Real-Time Cyberattack Detection with Offline and Online Learning
(2023)This paper presents several novel algorithms for real-time cyberattack detection using the Auto-Associative Deep Random Neural Network. Some of these algorithms require offline learning, while others allow the algorithm ... -
Recent Turkish Design Innovations: A Quest for Identity
(MIT PRESS, 2014) -
Recommendations for the transformation of patient rooms into isolated patient rooms in the process of the COVID-19 pandemic
(2023)In order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and improve the treatment process, interest in hospital design and in-hospital transformation has increased worldwide. Since Covid-19 is not believed to be the last infectious ... -
Recurrent Trend Predictive Neural Network for Multi-Sensor Fire Detection
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)We propose a Recurrent Trend Predictive Neural Network (rTPNN) for multi-sensor fire detection based on the trend as well as level prediction and fusion of sensor readings. The rTPNN model significantly differs from the ... -
Redesigning for Disassembly and Carbon Footprint Reduction: Shifting from Reinforced Concrete to Hybrid Timber-Steel Multi-Story Building
(2023)To reduce carbon emissions, holistic approaches to design, plan, and build our environment are needed. Regarding multi-story residential buildings, it is well-known that (1) material choices and construction typologies ... -
Redesigning Processes in Municipalities: A Case Study on Developing Process Architecture and Mapping Processes
(EGE UNIV, FAC ECONOMICS & ADMIN SCIENCES, 2017)Process oriented management approaches constitute the most important source of forming an effective management mechanism. This source assures that the institution is correctly understood by all its stakeholders, mutual ... -
Reduced Order Modeling for Clearance Control in Turbomachinery
(IEEE, 2016)Finite element models (FEMs) are extensively used in the design optimization of utility scale steam turbines. As an example, by simulating multiple startup scenarios of steam power plants, engineers can obtain turbine ...