Browsing WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1042-1061 of 1624
Navigating a net-zero economy future: Antecedents and consequences of net-zero economy-based green innovation
(2024)The pursuit of net-zero economy goals and government emphasis on sustainable performance has compelled numerous firms to focus on sustainable production through the adoption of net-zero economy-based green innovation. The ... -
Near-Fault Earthquake Ground Motion and Seismic Isolation Design
(2023)Seismic isolation is one of the most reliable passive structural control techniques with adequately established standards for the earthquake protection of structures from earthquakes. However, it has been shown that the ... -
Necessary condition of optimality for stochastic control systems with variable structure
(VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECHNICAL UNIV PRESS, TECHNIKA, 2008)It is considered control system with variable structure described stochastic differential equations. A maximum principle for some non-linear stochastic control system is proved. -
Necessary conditions for partially observed optimal control of general McKean–Vlasov stochastic differential equations with jumps
(Taylor and Francis Inc., 2021)In this paper, we establish necessary conditions of optimality for partially observed optimal control problems of Mckean–Vlasov type. The system is described by a controlled stochastic differential equation governed by ... -
(AMER INST MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES-AIMS, 2010)In this paper we consider smooth and nonsmooth switching control problems. By applying Taylor incremental formula for the cost functional, first we obtain the necessary optimality condition for the smooth case. Then by ... -
Negotiators' profit predicted by cognitive reappraisal, suppression of emotions, misrepresentation of information, and tolerance of ambiguity
(SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, 2008)This study examined the relationship between negative emotions and variables that affect negotiators' profit. Based on a simulated negotiation, this study induced emotions by providing negative feedback on how negotiating ... -
(CHARLES BABBAGE RES CTR, 2011)The vulnerability shows the resistance of the network until communication breakdown after the disruption of certain stations or communication links. This study introduces a new vulnerability parameter, neighbor rupture ... -
Neural network based inspection of voids and karst conduits in hydro-electric power station tunnels using GPR
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2018)This paper reports on the fundamental role played by Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), alongside advanced processing and presentation methods, during the tunnel boring project at a Dam and Hydro -Electric Power Station. It ... -
Neural network-based energy management of multi-source (battery/UC/FC) powered electric vehicle
Due to increased environmental pollution and global warming concerns, the use of energy storage units that can be supported by renewable energy resources in transportation becomes more of an issue and plays a vital role ... -
Neural network-supported patient-adaptive fall prevention system
(SPRINGER LONDON LTD, 2020)Patient falls due to unattended bed-exits are costly to patients, healthcare personnel and hospitals. Numerous researches based on up to three predetermined factors have been conducted for preventing falls. The present ... -
Neuroticism, Trait Fear of Missing Out, and Phubbing: The Mediating Role of State Fear of Missing Out and Problematic Instagram Use
(SPRINGER, 2020)One of the relatively new negative consequences of smartphone use is phubbing (snubbing someone while an individual checks their smartphone in the middle of a real-life conversation). The purpose of the present study was ... -
New CNN and hybrid CNN-LSTM models for learning object manipulation of humanoid robots from demonstration
(Springer, 2021)As the environments that human live are complex and uncontrolled, the object manipulation with humanoid robots is regarded as one of the most challenging tasks. Learning a manipulation skill from human Demonstration (LfD) ... -
New convolutional neural network models for efficient object recognition with humanoid robots
(Taylor and Francis Inc., 2021)Humanoid robots are expected to manipulate the objects they have not previously seen in real-life environments. Hence, it is important that the robots have the object recognition capability. However, object recognition is ... -
New dimension of slow food movement using supercritical fluid technology and methods to influence society by effective marketing strategies
(SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2016)Although slow food movement is a well-known movement nowadays, in order to make it more widespread to the society, necessity to develop and to adapt new techniques has become inevitable for healthier consumption age. For ... -
A new model for minimizing the electric vehicle battery capacity in electric travelling salesman problem with time windows
(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2021)The growing pollution in the environment and the negative shift in the global climate compel authorities to take action to protect the environment and human health. Transportation is one of the major contributors to this ... -
New thermophysical properties of water based TiO2 nanofluid-The hysteresis phenomenon revisited
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2014)Homogeneous stable suspensions acquired by dispersing dry Al2O3 and TiO2 nanoparticles in controlled pH solution and distilled water, respectively, were prepared and investigated in this study. First of all, the mean ... -
New Turkey, social policy, and a daytime talk show as a remedy: Muge Anli as a modern Calikusu
(2024)'Muge Anli ile Tatli Sert', which investigates unresolved criminal cases with interactive audience support, is one the most popular daytime television shows in contemporary Turkey. The neoliberal restructuring of the welfare ... -
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2013)Friedrich Nietzsche's wonted derision of Immanuel Kant has long-obscured striking parallels between the two philosophers' moral thought. In this essay it will be argued that the autonomous, self-legislating, rational will ... -
No Appealing Future For High Growth - Low Profitability Firms: Evidence from Turkey's Top 1000
(BILGESEL YAYINCILIK SAN & TIC LTD, 2011)The view that profitability, not growth, is the main driving force behind the firm performance, and unprofitable high growth can not lead to financial success has often been discussed in the literature. In this study, I ... -
No SNARC Effect Among Left- to-Right Readers: Evidence From a Turkish Sample
(2023)The spatial-numerical association of response codes (SNARC) refers to the faster left-hand respons- es to smaller numbers and faster right-hand responses to larger numbers. Although easily repli- cable in Western cultures, ...