Browsing WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 305-324 of 1624
Bargaining With Patriarchy: Newsroom Experiences of Women Journalists in Turkey and Greece
(2024)According to feminist news critics, news structure has a gender. It is masculine because the codes and ethics of journalism have been designed in male-ordered newsrooms. Do female journalists make a difference in the news, ... -
Barriers to Cement Industry Towards Circular Economy
(2023)Cement, as the main component of concrete, is a crucial industrial product for economic development and civilization. Nevertheless, its production is highly energy-intensive, environmentally polluting, and a source of ... -
Base Station Antenna with Enhanced Cross Polarization Discrimination Performance by Using Horizontal Meandered Dipoles and Vertical Parasitic Elements
(LGEP-SUPELEC, 2019)In this study, the design and implementation of a +/- 45 degrees dual polarized base station antenna with improved cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) values are presented. In order to increase the cross polarization, ... -
Becoming One with the Neighborhood: Collaborative Art, Space-Making, and Urban Change in Izmir Daragac
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2021)Daragac is a former industrial, lower-income neighborhood in Turkey's third-largest city, Izmir. In 2015 several artists settled in the area and started a nonprofit initiative called the Daragac Collective (DC). DC has ... -
Behavioral factors on the adoption of sustainable supply chain practices
(ELSEVIER, 2020)Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) has become a popular research topic among scholars as evidence suggests it has significantly contributed to achieve more environmentally conscious and socially responsible supply ... -
Behaviour of emerging stock markets in the global financial meltdown: Evidence from bric-a
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2009)This paper examines the emerging market indices of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Argentina (BRICA) and investigates the linkages among the stock markets of the BRICA countries and their relations with the US market. ... -
Bending characteristics of carbon nanotubes: Micropolar elasticity models and molecular dynamics simulations
(Taylor and Francis, 2021)The present paper aims at evaluating non-classical continuum parameters for each class of armchair and zigzag single-walled CNTs focusing on the scale effect in their flexural behavior observed in molecular dynamics (MD) ... -
Benefits of semantic approach in the learning environment
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2011)Mobile devices are mainly lack of regular user interfaces that facilitate the human-computer interaction and the access to network resources. However, almost all commercial applications contain their mobile versions. If ... -
Beyond Repression and Back to the Secrets of the Familiar: A Critical Look at Freud's Essay on the Uncanny
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2019)This article critiques the way Freud associates the uncanny with the idea of repression. The rhetoric he uses in the essay destabilizes his effort to place it in the depths of the psyche especially as he examines dictionary ... -
Beyond the 'East-West' Dichotomy: Global Variation in Cultural Models of Selfhood
(AMER PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOC, 2016)Markus and Kitayama's (1991) theory of independent and interdependent self-construals had a major influence on social, personality, and developmental psychology by highlighting the role of culture in psychological processes. ... -
Bi-Criteria Single Machine Scheduling with Rate-Modifying-Activity
(GAZI UNIV, 2013)In this paper, we consider a single machine scheduling problem with two criteria: minimizing both total flow time with total tardiness and minimize maximum tardiness with number of tardy jobs. Unlike the classical scheduling ... -
Bi-objective green vehicle routing problem
(John Wile and Sons, 2021)The green vehicle routing problem (GVRP) is a variant of the vehicle routing problem (VRP), which increasingly attracts many researchers in recent years due to the growing global environmental issues. As the transportation ... -
Bi-Objective green vehicle routing problem minimizing carbon emissions and maximizing service level
(2023)In this study, a bi-objective Green Vehicle Routing Problem is presented as an extension of the well-known Vehicle Routing Problem. Green Vehicle Routing Problem aims to improve routing decisions of companies using Alternative ... -
Bibliometric analysis of social entrepreneurship in gastronomy tourism
(INST TOURISM, 2020)The definition of entrepreneurship briefly stands for setting up a new business by taking financial and other risks to gain profits. Phenomenon of social entrepreneurship has emerged as a follow up concept of entrepreneurship, ... -
Bibliometric analysis of the transformation in air logistics operations in terms of digitalization and sustainability
(2023)Digitalization and sustainability are essential in today's globalized business environment. Within the logistics sector, aviation plays a critical role in this dynamic environment by enabling rapid, safe transportation ... -
Bifurcation analysis of bistable and oscillatory dynamics in biological networks using the root-locus method
(INST ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY-IET, 2019)Most of the biological systems including gene regulatory networks can be described well by ordinary differential equation models with rational non-linearities. These models are derived either based on the reaction kinetics ... -
Big Data Challenges in Information Engineering Curriculum
(IEEE, 2014)The amount of accumulated data is growing at unprecedented rates. This data is mainly unstructured or semi structured and comes from different sources in a variety of forms. Recently, a range of supporting storage and ... -
Blake and Nietzsche on self-slaughter and the moral law: A reading of Jerusalem
(SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2015)Both Blake and Nietzsche deemed the perversion of energy or will by the architects and enforcers of the Judeo-Christian moral law to be the most cataclysmic event in the history of man. Coerced by a false dichotomy of good ...