Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Aisle-to-aisle design for SBS/RS under smart deadlock control policies
Turhanlar, E.E.; Yetkin Ekren, B.; Lerher, T. (IEOM Society, 2021)Recent increase in e-commerce, warehouse operations have become one of the most significant issues. Recent customer profile requests fast delivery time with flexible options in purchasing. Automated warehousing technologies ... -
Impact of New Technology on Sustainability of Supply Chains: Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing SMEs in China
Shi, R.; Kumar, V.; Yetkin Ekren, B. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)New manufacturing technology can provide useful competitive advantages for enterprises to deal with fierce competition, and help them look for a better solution to production and operation management improving the quality ... -
Smart transaction picking in tier-to-tier SBS/RS by deep Q-learning
Arslan, B.; Yetkin Ekren, B. (IEOM Society, 2021)By the rapid growth of e-commerce, the intralogistics sector is facing new challenges. Intralogistics sector requires more flexible, scalable processes with maximum reliability and availability. They are complicated and ... -
Understanding the Role of Digital Technologies in Supply Chain Risks Management
Yang, J.; Kumar, V.; Kuzmin, E.; Yetkin Ekren, B. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)Supply chain risks have been regarded as one of the most significant threats to business continuity. Digital technology is considered to reform human production and manufacturing methods. In the recent wake of COVID-19, ...

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