Now showing items 61-70 of 103
Comparison of Scattered Signal Waveform Recovery Techniques Under Low SNR for Target Identification
(IEEE, 2017)
Target identification from scattered electromagnetic waves is a difficult problem especially at low SNR levels, which prevents extraction of distinguishable information. When a scattered signal is corrupted by noise, it ...
Hierarchical Reconstruction and Structural Waveform Analysis for Target Classification
Classification of objects from scattered electromagnetic waves is a difficult problem, as it heavily depends on aspect angle. To minimize this dependency, distinguishable features can be used. In this paper, we propose a ...
The Effectiveness of JADE Based Minimum Variance Distortionless Response Algorithm For DOA Estimation and Adaptive Beamforming in Multipath Smart Antenna Application
(IEEE, 2014)
In this paper, the direction of arrival (DOA) and adaptive antenna array beamforming for the smart antenna applications are realized by using Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) algorithm of DOA estimation. The ...
Performance Evaluation of Combined Methods for the Estimation of Fading Coefficients of Uncorrelated Signal Sources in Multipath Propagation
(IEEE, 2014)
In this study, we consider the challenge of estimation of fading coefficients for uncorrelated sources in the presence of multipath propagation. The combination of Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigenmatrices (JADE) ...
Ensemble of differential evolution algorithms for electromagnetic target recognition problem
In this study, an ensemble of differential evolution (DE) algorithms is presented to classify electromagnetic targets in resonance scattering region. The algorithm aims to synthesize a special incident signal for each ...
Different Variations of Amplitude Spectrum Based Method for Radar Target Recognition
(IEEE, 2013)
This study develops a low decision time and highly accurate target recognition method by using wideband scattered signals from radar targets in resonance region. In the mentioned method, estimation of signal parameters by ...
Null Control in Linear Antenna Arrays with Ensemble Differential Evolution
(IEEE, 2013)
This paper describes a synthesis method for null insertion in linear antenna array geometries by using newly proposed ensemble differential evolution (DE) algorithm. The given ensemble DE algorithm uses the advantages of ...
Compact Planar Folded Monopole Antenna with Coupling Mechanism for Quad ISM Band, GNSS and UMTS Applications
(IEEE, 2018)
This study presents a compact meandered type monopole antenna improved with coupling mechanisms to increase the number of allocated frequency bands in consideration. The proposed antenna includes a meandered (folded) ...
Size-Reduced Printed Log Periodic Dipole Antenna with Single First Order Semi-Circle Iteration and Feed Point Patches
(IEEE, 2017)
This paper presents the miniaturization and improvement of a printed log periodic dipole antenna (LPDA) by using patches at the feeding point and single first order semicircles. After the design of a conventional printed ...
Multi-band Frequency Tunable LTE Antenna for Mobile Phone Applications
(IEEE, 2017)
The progress shown in mobile phone technology in dealing with multiple band transmission and high data transmission rates has been followed by an increased demand in favor of rich content mobile services and new functionalities. ...