Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Real time classification of targets using waveforms in resonance scattering region
(2015 European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2015 - Proceedings, 2015)
The classification of similar shaped objects from scattered electromagnetic waves is a difficult problem, as it heavily depends on the aspect angle. The reduction of the adverse effects of the aspect angle is possible by ...
Real time classification of targets using waveforms in resonance scattering region
(European Microwave Week 2015: "Freedom Through Microwaves", EuMW 2015 - Conference Proceedings; 2015 45th European Microwave Conference Proceedings, EuMC, 2015)
The classification of similar shaped objects from scattered electromagnetic waves is a difficult problem, as it heavily depends on the aspect angle. The reduction of the adverse effects of the aspect angle is possible by ...
Effective permittivity and permeability of dielectric resonator arrays in rectangular waveguide for metamaterial applications
(IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2015)
The study describes the effective permittivity and permeability calculation of dielectric resonator arrays embedded in a WR90 rectangular waveguide structure. The scattering parameters are extracted and verified with ...
Metamaterial characteristics of dielectric resonator arrays in rectangular waveguide and free space [Dielektrik Rezonatör Dizisinin Dikdörtgen Dalga Kilavuzu ve Serbest Uzaydaki Metamalzeme Karakteristiʇi]
(2015 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2015 - Proceedings, 2015)
The study demonstrates the metamaterial characteristics of the arrays containing dielectric resonators by evaluating the permittivity and permeability coefficients of the array structures in rectangular waveguide and free ...
Metamaterial Characteristics of Dielectric Resonator Arrays in Rectangular Waveguide and Free space
(IEEE, 2015)
The study demonstrates the metamaterial characteristics of the arrays containing dielectric resonators by evaluating the permittivity and permeability coefficients of the array structures in rectangular waveguide and free ...
Real Time Classification of Targets Using Waveforms in Resonance Scattering Region
(IEEE, 2015)
The classification of similar shaped objects from scattered electromagnetic waves is a difficult problem, as it heavily depends on the aspect angle. The reduction of the adverse effects of the aspect angle is possible by ...
Effective Permittivity and Permeability of Dielectric Resonator Arrays in Rectangular Waveguide for Metamaterial Applications
(IEEE, 2015)
The study describes the effective permittivity and permeability calculation of dielectric resonator arrays embedded in a WR90 rectangular waveguide structure. The scattering parameters are extracted and verified with ...
Real Time Classification of Targets Using Waveforms in Resonance Scattering Region
(IEEE, 2015)
The classification of similar shaped objects from scattered electromagnetic waves is a difficult problem, as it heavily depends on the aspect angle. The reduction of the adverse effects of the aspect angle is possible by ...