Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Evaluating Chevron aisle design in unit load warehouses with multiple pickup and deposit points
Warehousing is becoming more important in the supply chain management than before because of increasing competitiveness in market. Efficient warehouse management has become a critical factor that affects customer satisfaction. ...
Evaluating Chevron aisle design in unit load warehouses with multiple pickup and deposit points [Çok kapılı birim yük depolarda Chevron koridor tasarımının değerlendirilmesi]
(Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 2018)
In this study the effect of aisle design on the expected single-command travel distance from multiple P&D was investigated. We also present two different material flow policies that aims to determine the usage rate of the ...
Çok Kapılı Birim Yük Depolarda Chevron Koridor Tasarımının Değerlendirilmesi
Artan rekabet sebebi ile depolama konusu tedarik zincirinde giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Depoların etkin
yönetimi müşteri memnuniyetini önemli ölçüde etkileyen bir unsur haline gelmiştir. Özellikle müşteri
siparişinin ...
Aisle designs in unit-load warehouses with different flow policies of multiple pickup and deposit points
(Central European Journal of Operations Research, 2019)
This study focuses on investigating the best layouts of a unit-load warehouse for single-command operation. We propose a model for unit-load warehouses having a single cross aisle and multiple pickup & deposit (P&D) points ...