Browsing ARAŞTIRMA ÇIKTILARI (WoS-Scopus-TR-Dizin-PubMed) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 3556
FTD grammar graph
(International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2003)The notations of (1) KBO: Knowledge Based Object, (2) FTD: Formally Technology Dependent, (3) WW KBO: Window Womb KBO, (4) PL KBO: Programming Language KBO, (5) APM KBO: Abstract Processing Machine KBO, and (6) AIPM KBO: ... -
Niğde Üniversitesindeki 20-25 Yaş Arası Futbol Oynayan, Futbolu Bırakan Ve Düzenli Spor Yapmayan Öğrencilerin Solunum Ve Antropometrik Parametrelerinin Incelenmesi
(2003)Araştırmanın amacı; Niğde Üniversitesindeki 20-25 yaş arası futbol oynayan, futbolu bırakan ve düzenli spor yapmayan öğrencilerin antropometrik ve solunum parametrelerinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya Niğde Üniversitesinde ... -
FTD grammar graph
Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bölümü Öğrencilerinde 30 Metre Koşu Ve Margaria Kalamen Anaerobik Güç Ilişkisinin Araştırılması
(2004)Bu çalışmanın amacı Beden Eğitimi ve Spor bölümü öğrencilerinde 30 metre koşu ve Margaria Kalaman anaerobik güç testi ilişkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmada 179 I. sınıf öğrencisi (123 erkek, 56 bayan) 30 metre koşu ve ... -
Yaz Spor Okullarında Basketbol Çalışmalarına Katılan Grupların Iki Aylık Gelişmelerinin Fiziksel Yönden Değerlendirilmesi
(2004)Bu çalışmanın amacı, Tokat ili yaz spor okulu basketbol çalışmalarına katılan ve yaşları 11-15 arasında değişen 25 erkek öğrenci ile bir ilköğretim okulunda okuyan ve bu çalışmalara katılmayan aynı yaş ve sayıdaki erkek ... -
Dünden-Bugüne Türkler'De Kız Ve Kelin Kovuu Oyunu
(2005)Kuzey ve Orta Asya Türk halkları arasında Englishin ve yaygın bir geçmişe sahip “Kız Kovuu” ve “Keli, Kovuu” oyunu, özellikle yerli ve yabancı kaynaklar tarafından benzeri ve başka oyunlarla genellikle karıştırılmaktadır. ... -
Milletvekili Adaylarının Genel Seçim Öncesi Türkiye'Deki Spor Uygulamaları Hakkındaki Düşünceleirnin Değerlendirilmesi
(2005)Siyaset ve spor bir bütünün ayrılmaz iki parçasıdır. O yüzden sportif hizmet, yürütme ve yasama organlarının sorumluluğundadır. Buradan hareketle bu araştırmanın amacı; Türkiye’de 3 Kasım 2002 tarihinde yapılan Milletvekili ... -
Egzersizden 45 Ve 60 Dakika Önce Glikoz Alımının Koşu Performansına Ve Kan Glikoz Konsantrasyonuna Etkisi
(2005)Bu çalışmanın amacı, egzersizden önce glikoz alım zamanının koşu performansına ve kan glikoz konsantrasyonuna etkisini incelemektir. Bu amaçla bu çalışmaya Türkiye Deplasmanlı Süper Liginde aktif olarak oynayan 30 erkek ... -
Computer-Based Assessment of Pre-assigned Individual Education Plans in Special Education
(WORLD ACAD SCI, ENG & TECH-WASET, 2005)Assessment of IEP (Individual Education Plan) is an important stage in the area of special education. This paper deals with this problem by introducing computer software which process the data gathered from application of ... -
The Use of Information Technologies in Special Education for Preparation of Individual Education Programs
(WORLD ACAD SCI, ENG & TECH-WASET, 2005)In this presentation, we discuss the use of information technologies in the area of special education for teaching individuals with learning disabilities. Application software which was developed for this purpose is used ... -
Effectiveness of web based PBL using course management technologies: A case study
(ICSOFT 2006 - 1st International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Proceedings, 2006)Maritime education and training has typically focused on delivering practical courses for a practical vocation. In the modern environment, maritime personnel now need to be more professional, more open to change and more ... -
A novel mobile epilepsy warning system
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2006)This paper presents a new design of mobile epilepsy warning system for medical application in telemedical environment. Mobile Epilepsy Warning System (MEWS) consists of a wig with a cap equipped with sensors to get ... -
Artificial neural network-based prediction technique for wear loss quantities in Mo coatings
(Wear, 2006)Mo coated materials are used in automotive, aerospace, pulp and paper industries in order to protect machine parts against wear and corrosion. In this study, the wear amounts of Mo coatings deposited on ductile iron ... -
The effectiveness of the five-year development plans on the development of the construction sector
(Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2006 - Procs 22nd Annual ARCOM Conference, 2006)With the increase in competition, competitive advantage becomes even more important for the survivability of the companies. Due to their influence on the orientation of companies, the effectiveness of the five-year development ... -
Comparison of AR and Welch methods in epileptic seizure detection
(Journal of Medical Systems, 2006)Brain is one of the most critical organs of the body. Synchronous neuronal discharges generate rhythmic potential fluctuations, which can be recorded from the scalp through electroencephalography. The electroencephalogram ... -
Medical image compression by using Vector Quantization Neural Network (VQNN)
(Neural Network World, 2006)This paper presents a lossy compression scheme for biomedical images by using a new method. Image data compression using Vector Quantization (VQ) has received a lot of attention because of its simplicity and adaptability. ... -
Trading systems, foreign direct investment and economic growth: Evidence from Asean countries
(European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 2006)Over a decade the regional trade relations are growing in number and scope giving rise to trade policy dilemma among the developing nations. This paper presents empirical evidence on the effect of the regional trading ... -
Feedback network controls photoreceptor output at the layer of first visual synapses in Drosophila
(Journal of General Physiology, 2006)At the layer of first visual synapses, information from photoreceptors is processed and transmitted towards the brain. In fly compound eye, output from photoreceptors (R1-R6) that share the same visual field is pooled and ... -
Software-assisted preparation and assessment of individual education plans for disabled individuals
(Current Science, 2006)This article deals with the use of a computer software in special education. Preparation of Individual Education Plan (IEP) and assessment of predefined IEP are the most important stages in the area of special education ...