Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Metamaterial characteristics of dielectric resonator arrays in rectangular waveguide and free space [Dielektrik Rezonatör Dizisinin Dikdörtgen Dalga Kilavuzu ve Serbest Uzaydaki Metamalzeme Karakteristiʇi]
(2015 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2015 - Proceedings, 2015)The study demonstrates the metamaterial characteristics of the arrays containing dielectric resonators by evaluating the permittivity and permeability coefficients of the array structures in rectangular waveguide and free ... -
The design of an omnidirectional and circularly polarized Ku-band antenna for satellite communication [Uydu Haberleşmesi için Yönsüz ve Dairesel Kutuplu Bir Ku-Bant Antenin Tasarimi]
(2015 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2015 - Proceedings, 2015)This study describes about a Ku-band antenna with almost circular polarization in omnidirectional azimuth direction. The antenna structure contains two sections of inclined slotted array on a circular waveguide, and the ...