Now showing items 1-20 of 288
A 2-Dimensional Model of Polynomial Type for Oscillatory ATM-Wip1 Dynamics in p53 Network
(IEEE, 2017)Under gamma irradiation, p53 gene regulatory network is able to exhibit three different modes, namely low state, oscillations, and high state. There are experimental studies demonstrating that oscillatory behaviour of p53 ... -
A 2-dimensional Reduced Oscillator Model with Rational Nonlinearities for p53 Dynamics
(IEEE, 2017)p53 tumour suppressor network plays the key role in DNA damage response of the cell. We present a comprehensive 2-dimensional oscillator model for p53 network dynamics. The model is reduced from the known 17-dimensional ... -
A 3-Dimensional Architectural Layout Generation Procedure for Optimization Applications : DC-RVD
(ECAADE-EDUCATION & RESEARCH COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN EUROPE, 2014)A procedure for generating 3-dimensional spatial configurations for optimization applications, termed Dimension Constrained Rectangular Voronoi Diagram (DC-RVD), is presented in this paper. The procedure is able to generate ... -
A Broadband Lens Loaded Vivaldi Antenna for sub-6 GHz/mmWave 5G Applications and Wideband Nondestructive Material Characterization
(2024)This study presents a broadband and compact antipodal Vivaldi antenna design and production having an improved gain characteristic with the addition of a dielectric lens made of PLA. The proposed antenna has measured VSWR ... -
A Bus Crew Scheduling Problem with Eligibility Constraints and Time Limitations
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2017)In this study, we consider a real life crew scheduling problem (CSP) of a public bus transportation authority, where the objective is to determine the optimal number of different types of crew members with a minimum cost ... -
A Combined Technology for Wildfire Detection Using HS/RF
(IEEE, 2009)This paper addresses an effective early detection system of wildfires using high resolution images from low-light sensitive cameras linked to an innovative HS/RF (High Speed/Radio Frequency) communications grid. Using data ... -
A Comparison of Feature Selection Algorithms for Cancer Classification Through Gene Expression Data: Leukemia Case
(IEEE, 2017)In this study, three different feature selection algorithms are compared using Support Vector Machines as classifier for cancer classification through gene expression data. The ability of feature selection algorithms to ... -
A Computational Intelligence Decision-Support Environment for Architectural and Building Design: CIDEA
(IEEE, 2016)Environmentally friendly and comfortable buildings are a much sought after goal in today's architectural practice. In order to improve energy consumption of buildings without sacrificing indoor comfort, careful consideration ... -
A DE Based Variable Iterated Greedy Algorithm for the No-Idle Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Total Flowtime Criterion
(SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2012)In this paper, we present a variable iterated greedy (vIGP_DE) algorithm where its parameters (basically destruction size and cooling parameter for the simulated annealing type of acceptance criterion) are optimized by the ... -
A desktop application to learn the actual workload of the students
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2009)The use of European Credit Transfer system (ECTS) provides a reference standard for exchange students across the European Union (EU). It helps more transparency and compatibility to compare the self-study period and ... -
A Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem
(IEEE, 2011)In this study we provide a Differential Evolution (DE) based heuristic to solve the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (ELSP) under basic period approach. The problem is to find the best cyclic production schedule of n items ... -
A Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Extraction of Complex Natural Resonance Frequencies of Electromagnetic Targets
(SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2011)This paper presents a differential evolution algorithm in order to find unique resonance frequencies of an electromagnetic target in the resonance scattering region. These frequencies are estimated from the roots of Laplace ... -
A Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Median Cycle Problem
(IEEE, 2011)This paper extends the applications of differential evolution algorithms to the Median Cycle Problem. The median cycle problem is concerned with constructing a simple cycle composed of a subset of vertices of a mixed graph. ... -
A Differential Evolution Algorithm with Variable Neighborhood Search for Multidimensional Knapsack Problem
(IEEE, 2015)This paper presents a differential evolution algorithm with a variable neighborhood search to solve the multidimensional knapsack problem. Unlike the studies employing check and repair operators, we employ some sophisticated ... -
A Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for the Assignment and Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem in DYO Paint Company
(IEEE, 2014)This paper presents a discrete artificial bee colony algorithm to solve the assignment and parallel machine scheduling problem in DYO paint company. The aim of this paper is to develop some algorithms to be employed in the ... -
A Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm For the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem
(IEEE, 2011)In this study we present a discrete artificial bee colony (DABC) algorithm to solve the economic lot scheduling problem (ELSP) under extended basic period (EBP) approach and power-of-two (PoT) policy. In specific, our ... -
A Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Returns
(IEEE, 2014)In this study, we model the Economic Lot Scheduling problem with returns (ELSPR) under the basic period (BP) policy with power-of-two (PoT) multipliers, and solve it with a discrete artificial bee colony (DABC) algorithm. ... -
A Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for the Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Total Flowtime Criterion
(IEEE, 2010)Very recently, Jarboui et al. [1] (Computers & Operations Research 36 (2009) 2638-2646) and Tseng and Lin [2] (European Journal of Operational Research 198 (2009) 84-92) presented a novel estimation distribution algorithm ... -
A Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times
(IEEE, 2016)A discrete artificial bee colony ( DABC) algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times (PFSP-SDST) is presented in this paper. PFSP-SDST is an important problem that has ... -
A Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for the Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows
(IEEE, 2013)This paper presents a discrete artificial bee colony algorithm (DABC) for solving the team orienteering problem with time windows (TOPTW). The proposed algorithm employs a destruction and construction procedure to generate ...