Now showing items 1-20 of 1975
2-D and 3-D basin site effects in Izmir-Bayrakli during the October 30, 2020 Mw7.0 Samos earthquake
(2023)During the October 30, 2020 M(w)7.0 Samos Earthquake, the Turkiye-Izmir-Bayrakli district was affected the most due to the geometry and the deep-soft alluvial nature of the basin, although the district is approximately 70 ... -
A bi-criteria single machine scheduling with rate-modifying-activity
(Gazi University Journal of Science, 2013)In this paper, we consider a single machine scheduling problem with two criteria: minimizing both total flow time with total tardiness and minimize maximum tardiness with number of tardy jobs. Unlike the classical scheduling ... -
A bi-objective mathematical model for product allocation in block stacking warehouses
(WILEY, 2020)Put-away and picking operations in warehouses play a critical role in determining operating costs and customer response time. While the place where products are put away has an important effect on picking efficiency due ... -
A bi-objective mathematical model for product allocation in block stacking warehouses
(International Transactions in Operational Research, 2020)Put-away and picking operations in warehouses play a critical role in determining operating costs and customer response time. While the place where products are put away has an important effect on picking efficiency due ... -
A bibliometric analysis of extended reality research trends in communication studies written in English Mapping the increasing adoption of extended reality technologies
(2024)With the development of communication technologies, extended reality technologies and applications are increasingly favoured because of their potential to contribute to interactive digital experiences. In addition to ... -
A big data analytics based methodology for strategic decision making
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a novel framework for strategic decision making using Big Data Analytics (BDA) methodology. Design/methodology/approach In this study, two different machine learning algorithms, ... -
A big data analytics based methodology for strategic decision making
(Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2020)Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a novel framework for strategic decision making using Big Data Analytics (BDA) methodology. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, two different machine learning ... -
(ANADOLU UNIV, 2016)The Suzuki teaching method was created by Japanese violinist and pedagogue Shinichi Suzuki. The central tenet of his philosophy was that talent is not inborn; it can be gained through proper education. Therefore, assuming ... -
A Canonical 3-D P53 Network Model that Determines Cell Fate by Counting Pulses
(ISTANBUL UNIV, FAC ENGINEERING, 2018)From a system theory perspective, p53 network dynamics is interesting since it can exhibit three dynamical modes of p53, namely low-level equilibrium, oscillation, and high-level equilibrium. Each of these modes are ... -
A canonical 3-D P53 network model that determines cell fate by counting pulses
(Istanbul University - Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2018)From a system theory perspective, p53 network dynamics is interesting since it can exhibit three dynamical modes of p53, namely low-level equilibrium, oscillation, and high-level equilibrium. Each of these modes are ... -
A collaborative numerical simulation-soft computing approach for earth dams first impoundment modeling
(2023)Uncertainty quantification plays a crucial role in the design, monitoring, and risk assessment of earth dams. To reduce the computational burden, we employ a combination of finite difference method and soft computing ... -
A comparative study on conventional and advanced exergetic analyses of geothermal district heating systems based on actual operational data
(Energy and Buildings, 2013)This paper comparatively evaluates exergy destructions of a geothermal district heating system (GDHS) using both conventional and advanced exergetic analysis methods to identify the potential for improvement and the ... -
A comparative study on conventional and advanced exergetic analyses of geothermal district heating systems based on actual operational data
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, 2013)This paper comparatively evaluates exergy destructions of a geothermal district heating system (GDHS) using both conventional and advanced exergetic analysis methods to identify the potential for improvement and the ... -
A comparative study on estimating the landfill gas potential: Modeling and analysis
(Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2016)The main objective of this study is to investigate the use of the landfill gas as potential energy and electricity obtained from the municipal solid waste (domestic, industrial, medical waste, and sewage sludge) stored ... -
A comparative study on estimating the landfill gas potential: Modeling and analysis
(TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 2016)The main objective of this study is to investigate the use of the landfill gas as potential energy and electricity obtained from the municipal solid waste (domestic, industrial, medical waste, and sewage sludge) stored ... -
A comparative study on the exergoeconomic analysis of textile dryers using speco method
(Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 2012)This study reveals the exergoeconomic analysis of stenters by using Specific Exergy Costing (SPECO) method. The cost balances and auxiliary thermoeconomic relations were developed for direct gas heated (DGHS) and hot oil ... -
(EGE UNIV, 2012)This study reveals the exergoeconomic analysis of stenters by using Specific Exergy Costing (SPECO) method. The cost balances and auxiliary thermoeconomic relations were developed for direct gas heated (DGHS) and hot oil ... -
A comparison of data mining techniques for credit scoring in banking: A managerial perspective
(Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2009)Credit scoring is a very important task for lenders to evaluate the loan applications they receive from consumers as well as for insurance companies, which use scoring systems today to evaluate new policyholders and the ... -
(VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECH UNIV, 2009)Credit scoring is a very important task for lenders to evaluate the loan applications they receive from consumers as well as for insurance companies, which use scoring systems today to evaluate new policyholders and the ... -
A Comparison of the Antecedents of Organizational Identification and Affective Commitment
(TURKISH PSYCHOLOGISTS ASSOC, 2015)The present study was sought to clarify various antecedents of organizational identification and affective commitment. Data were obtained from 444 employees of various public and private organizations. Two hierarchical ...