Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

    • Challenges in Analyzing Unstructured Learner Generated Qualitative Big Data 

      Ozan, O. (ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2015)
      As the amount of educational data grows, a necessity is occurring to define characteristics of Unstructured Learner Generated Qualitative Big Data (ULGQBD), and develop a conceptual framework to analyze these data sets. ...
    • Video lecture watching behaviors of learners in online courses 

      Ozan, O.; Ozarslan, Y. (ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2016)
      This paper examines learners' behaviors while watching online video lectures to understand learner preferences. 2927 students' 18,144 video events across 13 courses on Sakai CLE LMS, which were integrated with Kaltura Video ...