Toplam kayıt 8, listelenen: 1-8

    • A Novel Approach to e-Learning: Yasar University e-Learning System (YES) 

      Zincir, I.; Zeytinoglu, M.; Rana, A.; Basarici, S. (ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2013)
      Since 2009, every student who attends Yasar University (Izmir, Turkey), regardless of their department, has to take part in seven courses (Human Sciences, Research Culture, Design Culture, Aesthetic Culture, Ethic Culture, ...
    • A Proposal for a Novel e-Learning System for the Visually Impaired 

      Rana, A.; Zincir, I.; Basarici, S. (ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2014)
      According to World Health Organization (WHO), 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 million have low vision. It is a well-known fact that for the visually impaired ...
    • A Proposal for Turkish/German Cross-Language Q&A System 

      Basarici, S.; Zincir, I.; Balta, S.; Rana, T.A. (ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2012)
      Over the last decade, many approaches have been introduced about Q&A (Question & Answer) Systems. The problem with many of these works is that they mainly implement English as the underlying language. With the tremendous ...
    • Analysis of e-Learning Outcomes at Higher Education: A Case Study 

      Zincir, I.; Rana, T.A.; Basarici, S.; Balta, S. (ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2014)
      As explained in our paper A Novel Approach To E-Learning: Yasar University E-Learning System (YES) (Zincir et al. 2013), since 2009, every student who attends Yasar University (Izmir, Turkey), regardless of their department, ...
    • ELCARE: A Novel Approach for Educating Caretakers of Elderly 

      Zincir, I.; Basarici, S.; Rana, A.; Senuzun, F. (ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2015)
      Elderly care, or simply eldercare, is the fulfillment of the special needs and requirements that are unique to senior citizens. Elderly care emphasizes the social and personal requirements of senior citizens who need some ...
    • EMITS: An Experience Management System for IT Management Support 

      Bozdogan, C.; Zincir-Heywood, A.N.; Zincir, I. (WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2015)
      This research focuses on the identification of relevant experience required for solving IT (Information Technology) problems in small-to medium-sized enterprises. To achieve this, we integrated information retrieval ...
    • Improving Employee Performance Using Web-Based Application for Public Services 

      Rana, A.; Balta, S.; Zincir, I.; Basarici, S. (ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2012)
      One of the vital problems of public services is the deficiency of well-educated and highly motivated employees. The attitudes and performance of public servants have a crucial importance on the satisfaction of the customer ...
    • The Security and the Credibility Challenges in e-Voting Systems 

      Rana, A.; Zincir, I.; Basarici, S. (ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2015)
      E-voting is one of the most emerging social innovations of the 21st century which is being adopted by many countries, since it represents the peak of e-government solutions and also enables an easier way to vote for their ...