Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

    • A disassembly line balancing problem with fixed number of workstations 

      Kalaycilar, E.G.; Azizoglu, M.; Yeralan, S. (European Journal of Operational Research, 2016)
      In this study, a Disassembly Line Balancing Problem with a fixed number of workstations is considered. The product to be disassembled comprises various components, which are referred to as its parts. There is a specified ...
    • Industry 4.0 challenges to IE paradigms: A pilot study in materials handling 

      Mullaoglu, G.; Yeralan, S. (Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2020)
      Industrial engineering practices are expected to be affected by, and most likely adapt to, the new paradigms of Industry 4.0. Early indications in practice, as well as extrapolations from the current technology trends, ...