Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

    • Automatic segmentation, counting, size determination and classification of white blood cells 

      Nazlibilek, S.; Karacor, D.; Ercan, T.; Sazli, M.H.; Kalender, O.; Ege, Y. (Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2014)
      The counts, the so-called differential counts, and sizes of different types of white blood cells provide invaluable information to evaluate a wide range of important hematic pathologies from infections to leukemia. Today, ...
    • White blood cells classifications by SURF image matching, PCA and dendrogram 

      Nazlibilek, S.; Karacor, D.; Erturk, K.L.; Sengul, G.; Ercan, T.; Aliew F. (Biomedical Research (India), 2015)
      Determination and classification of white blood cells are very important for diagnosing many diseases. The number of white blood cells and morphological changes or blasts of them provide valuable information for the positive ...