Calvinism Is Only A Historical Phenemenon: A Discussion on The Ifluence Of Calvinism In Shaping the American Mind and Culture (An Exemplary Essay Writing Practice for Class-Room Usage)
This article on the influence of a religious doctrine, called Calvinism1 which has shaped the minds of American people in the early years of the English Colonies in North America, has been prepared to illustrate the basic components of an “ Argumentative” essay writing. In writing this essay, undergraduate students of English and American Studies programs, who take courses like “English Composition,” or “Rhetorical Writing” or other related courses under different titles have been targeted. An attentive reader will easily recognize that the basic writing strategies in regard with the “Topic Sentence,” repetition of the “key” words and concepts, the use of “Transitions,” and the location of the “Thesis Statement,” the other technical components are underlined.

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