Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3

    • An outlook on Chinese banks based on total assets and equity perspective 

      Aktan, B.; Masood, O.; Kurt Gumus, G.; Bodur, B. (Actual Problems of Economics, 2011)
      This study gives the analysis of the determinants of banks' profitability in China over the period of 2003-2007 by investigating the cointegration and the causal relationship between total assets (TA) and total equity (TE) ...
    • Analysis of Islamic banking industry in the Republic of Sudan 

      Kurt Gumus, G.; Aktan, B.; Masood, O. (Actual Problems of Economics, 2011)
      This paper seeks to analyze the financial performance of the selected Sudanese Islamic banks and highlight their growth using financial statement analysis. The procedure involves calculating numerous financial ratios and ...
    • What really rules investment decisions: Head or heart? 

      Masood, O.; Moore, S.; Aktan, B.; Niazi, G.S.K. (Actual Problems of Economics, 2010)
      The main purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss the relationship between behavioural and classical factors more clearly that have already been established and, more specifically, to determine the manner in which ...