Why Do People Visit Water Parks? An Implication From Turkey
Leisure literatures show that many factors influence people’s choices to participate in various leisure activities. Gender roles were discussed with the highest overall frequency among studies. As a variable, gender has been important in helping to document differences between the social conditions of women and men. Because, the social and personal issues facing men and women are different There are many types of leisure constraints classified by
authors such as internal/external, motivational/physical, intrapersonal, interpersonal and structural. The purpose of this study was to identify the profile and demographic characteristics of the water park visitors, and what types of factors affected their decisions to visit water parks. Respondents were water park visitors (n= 287) in one of the water parks in a resort area (Kuşadası) in Turkey who completed a questionnaire. Two hundred and eightyseven visitors were selected and the data was collected from a cluster random sampling of
visitors in the water park. From a cross-cultural perspective, there are many factors affecting the leisure participation of water park visitors and the results showed that each of 17 variables given in this study had different levels of significance by gender

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